973 2024-09-14 15:08:23 +0200 Servos: detach after init 972 2024-09-14 07:47:31 +0200 Servos: resore servos one by one 971 2024-09-08 15:26:17 +0200 StepISR: reporting fix 970 2024-08-30 10:45:37 +0200 IO: preload servo IO1 option 969 2024-08-29 18:01:15 +0200 IO: revert ESP8266 dimming onboard LED 968 2024-08-29 13:17:39 +0200 IO: dim onboard LED in case of ESP8266 967 2024-08-29 07:34:51 +0200 preload servos option 966 2024-08-27 09:35:18 +0200 CAN: extra function for short IDs 965 2024-08-23 19:14:40 +0200 throttle: allow zero addresses 964 2024-08-22 11:31:51 +0200 LED: signal fix for multiple aspect bits 963 2024-08-22 09:20:41 +0200 LED: signal dim fix 962 2024-08-19 11:40:37 +0200 LED: fix for WIOpicoCAN pin 961 2024-08-14 11:09:30 +0200 product model pico and picoW 960 2024-08-14 07:18:08 +0200 check on wifi connect if the pico has a shield 959 2024-08-13 16:47:26 +0200 WiFiDummy for the Pico without W 958 2024-08-11 14:55:05 +0200 CAN: 64 I/O config support 957 2024-08-10 07:28:12 +0200 WIO: singlegate output report state 956 2024-08-09 14:28:35 +0200 WIO,RASCII: fix for singlegate output event 955 2024-08-08 08:29:52 +0200 IO: show CAN statistics on display in case of PicoCAN 954 2024-08-07 12:03:14 +0200 RP2040 UART0 and UART1 pins 953 2024-08-07 09:17:16 +0200 IO: correction for CAN displayline incase of display SH1106 952 2024-08-04 07:52:15 +0200 WIOpico: MFRC522 support 951 2024-07-17 09:07:23 +0200 ESP01 option 950 2024-07-14 12:09:35 +0200 WIO: reject name length > 8 949 2024-07-14 11:35:06 +0200 Monitor: http maxlength for input fields 948 2024-07-10 08:35:05 +0200 PWMPair: clear flag on unlink 947 2024-07-09 13:03:38 +0200 PWMPair: link/unlink added 946 2024-07-09 09:34:51 +0200 PWMPait: trace f0 945 2024-07-09 08:55:09 +0200 PWMPait: stop added for shutdown and ebreak 944 2024-07-02 08:21:30 +0200 mDNS: packet casting for ESP32 943 2024-07-01 11:57:16 +0200 mDNS: PTR with ID 942 2024-06-30 14:14:39 +0200 IO: isCAN also true if the CAN object is instantiated 941 2024-06-30 12:14:30 +0200 mDNS support in case of CAN service 940 2024-06-30 11:02:11 +0200 mDNS: (WIP) 939 2024-06-28 12:17:39 +0200 UIO: save and restore output state 938 2024-06-28 11:23:14 +0200 UIO: set output high incase its inverted on setup 937 2024-06-28 09:37:00 +0200 UIO: invert output support 936 2024-06-26 08:51:20 +0200 StepDrv: dual hall dir dependent stop 935 2024-06-19 08:05:13 +0200 IO: typo fix 934 2024-06-19 07:58:07 +0200 IO: fix for StepDrv construction 933 2024-06-05 16:04:25 +0200 StepDrv: trigger for the ebreak button 932 2024-06-05 11:37:58 +0200 StepDrv: warn LED 931 2024-06-05 11:23:41 +0200 StepDrv: extra stop input for emergency button 930 2024-06-05 07:55:17 +0200 StepDrv: stop motor option 929 2024-06-04 11:04:02 +0200 StepDrv: exception wrong direction 928 2024-06-04 08:04:25 +0200 StepDrv: 2 Hall option 927 2024-05-28 08:52:45 +0200 Servos: error report in case servo ports are not set to output 926 2024-05-27 12:07:09 +0200 PWMPair: report error in case ports are not configured as outputs 925 2024-05-27 11:18:19 +0200 PWMPair: reject commando if ports are not set as output 924 2024-05-27 08:23:38 +0200 CAN: read/write in second core 923 2024-05-27 07:18:23 +0200 PWMPair: port config correction 922 2024-05-26 07:51:25 +0200 neopixel on servo4 on the fly 921 2024-05-26 07:37:26 +0200 Pins: WIOcan use servo 4 for neopixel 920 2024-05-21 11:37:13 +0200 PWMPair: set pins to type output 919 2024-05-21 11:18:07 +0200 WIO,CV: PWM_VAR 918 2024-05-21 11:14:35 +0200 PWMPair: 10_100Hz 917 2024-05-20 11:58:25 +0200 PWMPair: 50Hz option 916 2024-05-19 07:55:20 +0200 PWMPair: set ports to output and disable scanning 915 2024-05-18 11:09:01 +0200 PWMPair: 13kHz light support 914 2024-05-17 16:14:47 +0200 PWMPair: sync master option changed in sync slave 913 2024-05-17 10:38:30 +0200 WIO,CAN: upto 7 option bytes 912 2024-05-17 08:13:02 +0200 CAN: options set/get support 911 2024-05-16 16:22:31 +0200 PWMPair: 50Hz SWPWM 910 2024-05-16 15:37:39 +0200 Monitor,WIO: options5 support 909 2024-05-16 14:46:57 +0200 RASCII datalen fix for getoption 908 2024-05-16 13:16:38 +0200 options5 added 907 2024-05-16 07:47:44 +0200 pwmmaster option added 906 2024-05-15 15:45:36 +0200 PWMPair: default software 50Hz 905 2024-05-15 14:34:58 +0200 PWMPair: software PWM option 904 2024-05-14 11:23:18 +0200 CAN: pwmpair support 903 2024-05-13 08:04:27 +0200 PWMPair: kickstart support 902 2024-05-12 16:53:53 +0200 PWMPair kickstart 901 2024-05-11 09:15:39 +0200 PWMPair: 8 H-Bridges 900 2024-05-10 15:47:36 +0200 PWMPair added (Track Driver support) 899 2024-05-10 13:14:45 +0200 Display: multiplex init fix 898 2024-05-10 13:00:21 +0200 Display: multiplex channel select fix 897 2024-05-08 08:29:18 +0200 dump EEPROM 896 2024-05-08 08:04:27 +0200 dump file function 895 2024-05-07 08:08:48 +0200 Segment7: no event timer in case of IO_CLOCK 894 2024-05-07 08:03:35 +0200 Segment7: clock event timeout shows HELP 893 2024-05-06 16:31:44 +0200 Segment7: timing/update improvement 892 2024-05-06 16:11:37 +0200 Segment7: timer improvement 891 2024-05-04 12:01:03 +0200 IO: environment formatting improvement 890 2024-05-04 11:48:06 +0200 IO: temperature formating correction 889 2024-05-03 15:15:00 +0200 CAN: fix for mapping RCAN clock command to RASCII 888 2024-05-03 09:41:46 +0200 CV: removed unused servo config from EEPROM 887 2024-05-03 08:58:29 +0200 Servos: init settings to zero 886 2024-05-02 11:21:31 +0200 use own option for IO1_Servos 885 2024-05-02 09:51:25 +0200 8 extra servo option 884 2024-05-01 10:36:05 +0200 IO: MCP23017 set internal pullups 883 2024-04-26 12:12:01 +0200 CAN: flash onboard LED on CAN traffic 882 2024-04-24 09:53:10 +0200 WIO: fix for checking the USB 881 2024-04-24 08:24:31 +0200 RCAN USB speed 250k 880 2024-04-24 07:33:23 +0200 WIO: scan USB every 10ms in case of USB-CAN bridge 879 2024-04-23 15:59:02 +0200 CAN: ESP32 QueueReceive zero wait 878 2024-04-23 15:47:34 +0200 CAN: fix for OPC_QNN 877 2024-04-22 09:00:45 +0200 CAN: Cbus QNN support 876 2024-04-20 10:58:58 +0200 WIO: send accessory event on LED set 875 2024-04-18 09:27:59 +0200 LED: use steps for dividing brightnes for dimming 874 2024-04-18 09:09:31 +0200 LED: div bri by 50 instead of 100 for dimming 873 2024-04-17 15:46:23 +0200 LED: dim independent from brightnes 872 2024-04-16 07:45:41 +0200 save on shutdown/sleep, pixel show 50ms 871 2024-04-07 16:33:55 +0200 WIO: port trace fix 870 2024-04-07 08:55:03 +0200 CAN: USB bps 250000 for RCAN 869 2024-04-07 08:07:37 +0200 CAN: port invert support 868 2024-04-06 11:10:39 +0200 IO: disable NeoPixel in case of subtype DCC 867 2024-04-05 15:03:22 +0200 Monitor: show board 866 2024-04-04 15:55:50 +0200 IO: PCF8574A support (outputs are not conform PCF8574) 865 2024-04-04 10:35:51 +0200 CAN: delete file 864 2024-04-04 09:25:38 +0200 CAN: upload file 863 2024-04-03 14:42:54 +0200 CAN: upstreaming 862 2024-04-02 15:48:46 +0200 CAN,WIO: AP credentials for temp. WiFi 861 2024-04-02 10:56:40 +0200 CAN: reboot support 860 2024-04-02 10:39:43 +0200 CAN: sleep_all support 859 2024-04-02 09:37:39 +0200 WIO: LED off on deepsleep 858 2024-04-02 09:28:06 +0200 CAN: show and deepsleep support 857 2024-04-01 14:00:11 +0200 CAN: CNF_ID support 856 2024-04-01 10:32:27 +0200 Pins: neopixel on servo4 option 855 2024-03-31 15:33:54 +0200 CAN: CNF_ID support 854 2024-03-31 11:29:51 +0200 CAN: wiocan support (wip) 853 2024-03-28 15:51:48 +0100 WIO: show LED timer 852 2024-03-27 13:23:44 +0100 IO: fix for checking PCF module available on output set 851 2024-03-26 11:04:39 +0100 IO: fix for battery type 850 2024-03-23 09:27:32 +0100 LED: pixel restore init fix 849 2024-03-22 14:27:43 +0100 IO: 3S Li-Ion support 848 2024-03-22 13:40:36 +0100 Monitor: download filename fix 847 2024-03-22 08:41:58 +0100 Trace: revisionnr correction 846 2024-03-21 15:28:28 +0100 binaries removed 845 2024-03-21 15:04:03 +0100 send ident message on button pressed 844 2024-03-20 08:31:43 +0100 cleanup 843 2024-03-20 08:28:45 +0100 removed hardware directory 842 2024-03-19 16:00:59 +0100 binary update 841 2024-03-19 15:55:13 +0100 IO: fix for PCF offset 840 2024-03-19 15:18:37 +0100 update revision info 839 2024-03-19 15:17:24 +0100 IO: not report input in case of type control 838 2024-03-17 15:06:02 +0100 bootsel use also for CAN query response 837 2024-03-15 16:04:04 +0100 WIO: deepsleep function 836 2024-03-15 14:32:06 +0100 CAN: multiplex signal support 835 2024-03-13 16:13:02 +0100 trace fixes 834 2024-03-12 09:55:32 +0100 CAN: report local I/O over USB 833 2024-03-12 09:05:30 +0100 PicoW CAN (wip) 832 2024-03-11 15:04:36 +0100 PicoW-CAN (wip) 831 2024-03-09 15:25:07 +0100 IO: send query response on WIO-03 button 830 2024-03-09 12:09:33 +0100 pico binary update 829 2024-03-09 12:05:38 +0100 Pico: use BOOTSEL button for identify 828 2024-02-27 12:58:08 +0100 binary update 827 2024-02-27 11:48:41 +0100 picow binary update 826 2024-02-27 11:29:49 +0100 LED: singlegate support 825 2024-02-25 08:42:40 +0100 AMP Chars (Herman) 824 2024-02-23 15:40:54 +0100 Display ls/gt for <> amps 823 2024-02-13 09:48:11 +0100 binary update 822 2024-02-13 08:19:54 +0100 LED: check LEDScript range 0...99 821 2024-01-29 11:50:33 +0100 Display: format {B[name]} alternative 820 2024-01-26 15:01:13 +0100 esp binary update 819 2024-01-12 07:27:09 +0100 PicoW binary update 818 2024-01-09 08:58:47 +0100 PicoW binary update 817 2024-01-08 12:57:36 +0100 IO: init fix for PCF 816 2024-01-08 09:51:59 +0100 IO: PCF init correction 815 2024-01-04 11:19:11 +0100 binary update 814 2024-01-04 11:08:23 +0100 WIO: m_IOpacket correction 813 2024-01-04 10:54:06 +0100 WIO: crash fix for runMacro in crontab context 812 2024-01-04 10:24:45 +0100 PicoW binary update 811 2024-01-04 10:23:29 +0100 IO: fix for resetting all 64 IO states 810 2024-01-01 09:21:43 +0100 copyright update 809 2023-12-31 16:17:40 +0100 PicoW binary update 808 2023-12-31 12:19:54 +0100 LED/IO: fix for restore on the fly 807 2023-12-31 11:47:23 +0100 LED: restore at start in case the option is set for IO16 806 2023-12-25 16:58:33 +0100 Display: {+} dor as blank 805 2023-12-25 11:36:46 +0100 pico binary update 804 2023-12-25 08:29:49 +0100 Display: left/right {+} support 803 2023-12-24 16:12:00 +0100 fix for display number incase of zero 802 2023-12-20 15:27:04 +0100 binary update 801 2023-12-20 12:27:12 +0100 WIO: fix for default pulse length 800 2023-12-14 06:52:34 +0100 forum link update 799 2023-11-24 11:08:43 +0100 I2C I/O extenstion fix 798 2023-11-24 11:05:03 +0100 I2C I/O extenstion fix 797 2023-11-24 08:22:43 +0100 version update 796 2023-11-24 08:21:24 +0100 LED: added a yield in the LED for loop to avoid watchdog timeout 795 2023-11-22 08:19:17 +0100 IO: load neopixel dynamic 794 2023-11-14 15:55:53 +0100 up to 64 I2C I/O 793 2023-11-10 14:24:09 +0100 DCC fixes 792 2023-11-07 11:36:28 +0100 IO: support for extra 16 I/O by I2c for type IO16 791 2023-11-04 16:05:03 +0100 WIO: revert disable browndown 790 2023-11-04 15:56:58 +0100 WIO: disable browndown detector in ESP32 789 2023-11-04 14:15:17 +0100 option restore leds 788 2023-11-04 09:37:30 +0100 binary update 787 2023-11-04 09:28:45 +0100 LED: fix for aspect signal PCA9622 786 2023-10-31 10:44:52 +0100 ESP8266 binary update 785 2023-10-31 10:34:16 +0100 DCCUtils: yield()s in the create POM packet 784 2023-10-21 17:54:29 +0200 update 783 2023-10-08 11:48:42 +0200 IOScript pause(A) support 782 2023-08-18 10:20:20 +0200 removed RS485 option flag 781 2023-08-18 09:10:58 +0200 board selection automatically 780 2023-08-17 16:13:12 +0200 Pins throttle options 779 2023-08-17 15:45:35 +0200 Pins: fix auto select board type 778 2023-08-17 07:36:15 +0200 CAM type removed 777 2023-08-15 07:49:21 +0200 binary update 776 2023-08-15 07:44:20 +0200 keypad display line in the user config 775 2023-08-13 16:44:05 +0200 KeyPad: crash fix for none connected display 774 2023-08-13 16:22:40 +0200 binary update PicoW 773 2023-08-13 16:03:58 +0200 binary update 772 2023-08-13 16:02:40 +0200 KeyPad: use input_pullup 771 2023-08-13 08:51:46 +0200 binary update 770 2023-08-13 08:21:28 +0200 KeyPad: allow only for sub type IO16 769 2023-08-12 18:01:34 +0200 keypad trace level correction 768 2023-08-12 15:11:03 +0200 KeyPad class added 767 2023-07-22 12:20:55 +0200 LED: faster defailt dim on color change 766 2023-07-22 10:59:34 +0200 binary update 765 2023-07-22 08:02:42 +0200 LED: fix for LEDScript off in case of zero loops 764 2023-07-20 14:24:59 +0200 LED: stop LEDScript after the complete loop 763 2023-07-19 13:19:20 +0200 Display: {A:} support 762 2023-07-19 11:39:26 +0200 binary update 761 2023-07-19 11:14:21 +0200 display tag {A...} added 760 2023-07-16 11:09:38 +0200 revert max pixel for ESP32 to 64 759 2023-07-16 10:03:36 +0200 max. 100 pixel ESP32/PicoW 758 2023-07-15 12:32:15 +0200 binary update 757 2023-07-15 10:11:32 +0200 allow up to 99 IOScrips 756 2023-06-17 15:50:58 +0200 removed wrover binary; no longer supported 755 2023-06-16 19:26:14 +0200 wrover binary update 754 2023-05-30 08:55:32 +0200 PicoW binary update 753 2023-05-09 15:34:07 +0200 WIOpicoW update 752 2023-04-20 07:24:43 +0200 PicoW: 128 Pixels 751 2023-03-31 09:58:45 +0200 IO: trace in case neopixel cannot be used 750 2023-03-31 07:44:16 +0200 500ms startup delay for pico 749 2023-03-18 15:29:01 +0100 PicoW update for max LiIon 2s 748 2023-03-18 11:05:51 +0100 PicoW LIION_8V2 correction 747 2023-03-04 08:49:56 +0100 binary update picoW 746 2023-02-12 10:29:14 +0100 WIOpico schedule update 745 2023-01-23 11:52:50 +0100 WIOpico-01 battery values corrected 744 2023-01-22 10:53:14 +0100 WIOpico PCB update 743 2023-01-15 15:34:57 +0100 UIO: dim up/down 742 2023-01-15 10:03:56 +0100 UIO: blink & dim 741 2023-01-14 14:37:33 +0100 UIO: pixel signal support 740 2023-01-14 12:15:11 +0100 UIO: neopixel support 739 2023-01-14 09:13:46 +0100 fix for showing output change on display 738 2023-01-14 07:22:46 +0100 wiopicow-01 schedule update 737 2023-01-13 10:59:18 +0100 WIO: defines for RS485 and invert rotary 736 2023-01-13 08:07:31 +0100 UIO: max servo up to 8 735 2023-01-12 18:11:44 +0100 UIO: Mega pins 734 2023-01-12 15:05:19 +0100 UIO: I/O config string fix 733 2023-01-12 13:04:28 +0100 UIO: report servo end position 732 2023-01-12 12:32:03 +0100 UIO: servo delay 731 2023-01-12 11:12:14 +0100 UIO: servo support on first 4 pins 730 2023-01-12 10:44:27 +0100 UIO: scantimer define added for block and pulse 729 2023-01-12 10:26:49 +0100 UIO: RASCII communication 10ms, input scan 50ms 728 2023-01-12 09:53:25 +0100 UIO: fix for scanning unused pins 727 2023-01-12 07:44:09 +0100 UIO: removed endless loop for serial connection at startup 726 2023-01-11 16:31:55 +0100 UIO: fix restore port config 725 2023-01-11 11:28:37 +0100 UIO: max 64 I/O support 724 2023-01-08 08:12:44 +0100 throttle: rotary invert option 723 2023-01-05 08:17:27 +0100 IO: restore inverted output state 722 2023-01-03 15:50:06 +0100 copyright update 721 2023-01-03 07:42:51 +0100 binary update 720 2023-01-02 11:57:39 +0100 inverted output support 719 2023-01-02 08:12:44 +0100 PicoW binary update 718 2022-12-31 08:23:45 +0100 UIO: help compatible with maintenance 717 2022-12-27 09:40:59 +0100 UIO: save new ID into EEPROM after SET 716 2022-12-24 07:39:16 +0100 32 I/O for mega 715 2022-12-21 09:49:54 +0100 UIO rename cv to CV 714 2022-12-21 09:20:28 +0100 UIO: fix for dual coil switch 713 2022-12-21 08:24:33 +0100 ESP8266 binary update 712 2022-12-21 08:21:58 +0100 ESP8266: reduce used memory to avoid crash 711 2022-12-20 09:22:24 +0100 binary update 710 2022-12-19 11:00:03 +0100 UIO: dual coil switch and aspect signal support 709 2022-12-15 13:57:04 +0100 UIO: RS485 (wip) 708 2022-12-14 08:09:09 +0100 UIO: report Arduino board model 707 2022-12-13 19:17:06 +0100 UIO: correction for inputs bank 2 706 2022-12-13 13:57:42 +0100 UIO: pulse fix 705 2022-12-13 12:21:50 +0100 UIO: block and pulse implemented 704 2022-12-12 22:00:43 +0100 UIO: swap input state 703 2022-12-12 20:37:58 +0100 cv: case sensitive fix for Arduini.h 702 2022-12-12 16:19:17 +0100 UIO: EEPROM corrections 701 2022-12-12 15:51:51 +0100 UIO: wip 700 2022-12-12 15:39:42 +0100 UIO revisionnr 699 2022-12-12 15:32:39 +0100 UIO: wip 698 2022-12-11 17:03:36 +0100 WIOpico HW update 697 2022-12-11 14:37:14 +0100 UIO: wip 696 2022-12-09 14:12:21 +0100 UIO: wip 695 2022-12-06 22:10:55 +0100 WIO IO16 fix for mobile on the fly 694 2022-12-06 19:16:01 +0100 init DCC on the fly fix for function command 693 2022-12-06 17:20:32 +0100 update 692 2022-12-06 16:36:23 +0100 binary update 691 2022-12-06 16:26:30 +0100 Fix for activation DCC 690 2022-12-06 15:20:10 +0100 UIO: wip 689 2022-12-05 14:37:12 +0100 USB support 688 2022-12-03 18:33:38 +0100 binary update for general interrupt pin 687 2022-12-03 18:05:29 +0100 general interrupt GPIO in pins 686 2022-12-03 11:31:47 +0100 binary update 685 2022-12-03 07:45:29 +0100 Merge branch 'gesturesensor' Merge of GestureSensor 684 2022-12-03 06:48:31 +0100 ignore CANIO option in case of subtype IO16 683 2022-12-02 18:04:48 +0100 GestureSensor: fix for OFF event 682 2022-12-02 14:17:01 +0100 gesturesensor auto off 681 2022-12-02 08:56:33 +0100 GestureSensor with interrupt 680 2022-12-01 21:52:29 +0100 Throttle: analog resolution for PicoW 679 2022-12-01 21:52:29 +0100 WIOpico binary update 678 2022-12-01 21:52:29 +0100 WIOpi: allow type throttle 677 2022-12-01 19:14:04 +0100 report gesture too 676 2022-12-01 16:19:01 +0100 Proximity ON/OFF usercnf values 675 2022-12-01 13:47:13 +0100 GestureSensor with Sparkfun library 674 2022-12-01 13:00:12 +0100 Throttle: analog resolution for PicoW 673 2022-11-30 15:09:15 +0100 WIOpico binary update 672 2022-11-30 14:57:06 +0100 WIOpi: allow type throttle 671 2022-11-30 08:36:24 +0100 added gestureclass 670 2022-11-29 19:21:45 +0100 schedule update picoW 669 2022-11-25 17:37:32 +0100 esp32 wrover module binary added 668 2022-11-23 15:04:03 +0100 reset input all 16 masks in case of multiplex 667 2022-11-23 14:52:27 +0100 DCC pin renaming 666 2022-11-23 13:54:21 +0100 compile warning fixes 665 2022-11-23 12:27:33 +0100 solved compiler warnings 664 2022-11-23 11:47:22 +0100 binary update 663 2022-11-23 10:16:18 +0100 disable MFRC522 for platform rp2040: not supported 662 2022-11-23 09:04:07 +0100 DCC wakeup 661 2022-11-22 12:00:57 +0100 WIOpico DCC fix 660 2022-11-21 21:54:31 +0100 WIOpico binary update 659 2022-11-21 15:48:19 +0100 AP support removed 658 2022-11-20 19:45:03 +0100 picow AP support 657 2022-11-20 17:02:35 +0100 pico board option 656 2022-11-20 10:41:10 +0100 Pins: ESP01 support for I2C and servo 0 655 2022-11-19 09:03:17 +0100 WIOpico hardware (WIP) 654 2022-11-19 08:21:53 +0100 WIOpico analog read correction, new binary structure IDE 2.0.2 653 2022-11-18 10:28:55 +0100 esp32 battery correction 652 2022-11-17 13:54:52 +0100 USERCNF comment correction 651 2022-11-17 13:48:28 +0100 ESP01 support pixel on gpio2 650 2022-11-17 08:55:13 +0100 corrections for A0 -> battery 649 2022-11-16 13:54:19 +0100 ESP01 support 648 2022-11-14 11:17:02 +0100 flyer in pdf 647 2022-11-13 19:25:41 +0100 WIOpico: LED and Servo parallel 646 2022-11-13 11:29:13 +0100 removed unused classes 645 2022-11-12 15:27:36 +0100 WIOpico update binary 644 2022-11-12 15:12:54 +0100 Multiplex cleanup 643 2022-11-12 13:07:34 +0100 Multiplex and LED mutual exclusive 642 2022-11-12 11:27:44 +0100 WIOpico: only one timer ISR for 4 MP signals 641 2022-11-11 10:32:17 +0100 binary update 640 2022-11-11 10:31:31 +0100 Multiplex & WIOpico: every signal its own timer interrupt 639 2022-11-11 08:43:46 +0100 Multiplex refresh rate in USERCNF 638 2022-11-11 08:08:13 +0100 WIOpico allow parallel servos and multiplex 637 2022-11-11 07:31:33 +0100 Multiplex: min. brightness 200 to avoid flicker 636 2022-11-09 16:52:30 +0100 esp32dev binary update 635 2022-11-07 10:21:53 +0100 Crontab: check also in case of model minute change 634 2022-11-07 08:01:04 +0100 Crontab fix for option flags 633 2022-11-06 10:55:07 +0100 Crontab options 632 2022-11-06 08:08:45 +0100 binary update 631 2022-11-06 07:46:03 +0100 report MTP and model time 630 2022-11-05 14:51:05 +0100 NTP fix 629 2022-11-05 08:36:34 +0100 NTP usersettings 628 2022-11-05 07:26:04 +0100 Hall and Connection IOScript in USERCNF 627 2022-11-04 11:33:50 +0100 binary update 626 2022-11-04 10:20:41 +0100 initial trace level correction set to NONE 625 2022-11-04 10:17:53 +0100 Crontab added 624 2022-11-03 10:25:22 +0100 WIOpico: MDNS 623 2022-11-03 08:02:09 +0100 rp2040: freeheap in monitor, error handler OTA 622 2022-11-02 21:59:59 +0100 rp2040 restart 621 2022-11-02 07:11:34 +0100 clean read buffer before reading next packet 620 2022-11-02 06:59:32 +0100 homeoffset 16bit 619 2022-11-01 15:55:27 +0100 Stepper calibrate offset 618 2022-11-01 10:26:22 +0100 WIOpico: enable time from internet (NTP) 617 2022-11-01 07:07:30 +0100 StepISR: support for Pico 616 2022-10-31 18:23:42 +0100 bin updates 615 2022-10-28 11:36:49 +0200 trace correction in stepper 614 2022-10-28 09:57:24 +0200 IO16 stepper init only on the fly 613 2022-10-28 09:51:13 +0200 IO16 stepper pin mapping 612 2022-10-27 17:34:22 +0200 IO16 multiplex: reset input map 611 2022-10-27 15:45:33 +0200 WIOpico: multiplex timer added 610 2022-10-27 11:16:55 +0200 filter i2c map incase of stepper,mobile,dcc on the fly 609 2022-10-27 10:28:22 +0200 change WIO connection type in case of on the fly DCC or Mobile 608 2022-10-27 08:27:10 +0200 WIOpico: Mobile on the fly 607 2022-10-27 08:11:53 +0200 WIOpico: DCC 606 2022-10-26 10:36:56 +0200 RASCII: fix for blocking serial USB 605 2022-10-24 11:17:52 +0200 WIOpico: allow servo and stepper simultaneous 604 2022-10-23 10:47:49 +0200 StepDrv: show used calibration pin in trace 603 2022-10-23 10:40:28 +0200 WIOpico: battery pin for stepper CAL 602 2022-10-23 09:04:26 +0200 WIOpico: update board package 601 2022-10-23 08:00:41 +0200 WIOpico: use GP28 for stepper CAL 600 2022-10-22 17:04:31 +0200 WIOpico: stepper fix 599 2022-10-22 16:28:36 +0200 WIOpico: 512k FS 598 2022-10-22 14:21:26 +0200 WIOpico: binary with FS 597 2022-10-22 11:25:51 +0200 WIOpico: servo port fix 596 2022-10-22 10:28:58 +0200 WIOpico: fix for subtype selection 595 2022-10-18 08:00:19 +0200 RP2040: PWM for mobile type 594 2022-10-18 07:41:52 +0200 Rp2040: timer interrupts for DCC and DFX 593 2022-10-18 07:10:23 +0200 RP2040: attachInterrupt issue solved 592 2022-10-17 10:22:50 +0200 user Serial1 in case of RP2040 591 2022-10-16 10:45:58 +0200 pico pins correction for pixel and UART 590 2022-10-16 10:01:32 +0200 WIOpico binary 589 2022-10-16 10:00:16 +0200 pico W default IO16 588 2022-10-16 09:01:30 +0200 PicoW: pin assignment 587 2022-10-16 08:20:45 +0200 PicoW support (WIP) 586 2022-09-19 10:25:30 +0200 binary update 585 2022-09-16 10:08:32 +0200 Display: optimize multiplex init 584 2022-09-16 09:44:32 +0200 Display: init all displays at once in case of multiplex 583 2022-09-16 08:55:14 +0200 multiplex display support 582 2022-09-10 07:34:27 +0200 Display: allow all big chars 581 2022-09-09 10:28:52 +0200 Display: check for capitals on big chars 580 2022-09-09 10:14:58 +0200 colon.amp deleted 579 2022-09-09 10:11:23 +0200 Display: blank and dash width 8 pixel in case of big numbers 578 2022-09-09 09:47:29 +0200 Display big chars (wip) 577 2022-09-08 12:05:35 +0200 big numbers 576 2022-09-02 07:46:51 +0200 Hall Button added 575 2022-08-28 09:54:41 +0200 IOscript for semaphore 574 2022-08-26 13:07:12 +0200 LED: dim down/up in case of other color 573 2022-08-25 10:59:33 +0200 IO: activate neopixel incase of type servo and ESP32 572 2022-08-19 09:00:13 +0200 IO16: coach f1...f6 digital out support 571 2022-08-19 08:51:27 +0200 IO16: coach support added 570 2022-08-13 08:18:27 +0200 Servos: report fix for on/off 569 2022-08-12 16:32:43 +0200 servo PWM command added 568 2022-08-12 08:06:34 +0200 servo reporting position in degrees 567 2022-08-11 08:28:19 +0200 report servo position as aspect value 566 2022-08-09 14:56:37 +0200 RROTA: show AP name in trace 565 2022-08-09 08:43:47 +0200 RROTA: optional direct WiFi connection 564 2022-07-31 15:29:55 +0200 IOScript: regard pulse option 563 2022-07-28 14:39:32 +0200 ESP32 binary update 562 2022-07-28 14:38:16 +0200 ESP32 set servo pin low on detach 561 2022-07-28 14:27:51 +0200 binary update 560 2022-07-28 14:21:14 +0200 fix for detach servo ESP32 to avoid jitter 559 2022-07-22 11:22:54 +0200 multicast IOScript support 558 2022-07-22 07:26:28 +0200 UDM Multicast flag 557 2022-07-19 10:02:14 +0200 trace line correction 556 2022-06-10 07:49:07 +0200 DISPLAY_FASTCLOCK user option added 555 2022-06-09 16:18:38 +0200 Display: max. display 1 in case of ESP8266 554 2022-06-09 08:16:50 +0200 Display: use L for f7 and f8 553 2022-06-08 12:01:48 +0200 Display: {f7} {f8} use {Yn} for base line 552 2022-06-08 11:02:36 +0200 Display: {f8} with leading zero 551 2022-06-08 08:44:50 +0200 Display: use static buffer for reading AMP files 550 2022-06-08 08:23:53 +0200 Display: support for {f7} 549 2022-05-20 14:44:45 +0200 2S-Lion analog ref correction ESP32 548 2022-05-07 19:10:41 +0200 binary update 547 2022-05-07 17:55:31 +0200 revert PCF invert 546 2022-05-07 17:27:31 +0200 binary update 545 2022-05-07 14:41:52 +0200 PCF inver output optional and default off 544 2022-05-06 07:52:42 +0200 binary update 543 2022-04-29 19:21:59 +0200 log update 542 2022-04-29 19:21:19 +0200 IO: PCF inverted output 541 2022-04-29 06:59:26 +0200 PCF8574 support added 540 2022-04-23 12:04:08 +0200 IO: reject output command if port is not set to output or pulse 539 2022-04-23 11:14:23 +0200 binary update 538 2022-04-23 11:09:59 +0200 fix for scanning I/O expanders 537 2022-04-23 07:59:02 +0200 SoD: not waiting for ack, delay instead of yield 536 2022-04-22 21:54:08 +0200 IO: read I/O expanders only if they are available and delay longer after an input report (WiFi) 535 2022-04-07 15:40:52 +0200 Servos: set max 16 in case of a detected PCA9685 534 2022-03-21 12:12:32 +0100 not change bri on clock event for multiplex 533 2022-03-13 10:21:54 +0100 RROTA: mDNS name added 532 2022-03-13 07:50:56 +0100 RROTA added 531 2022-03-11 10:50:57 +0100 use server IP in case hostname is not possible 530 2022-03-10 07:13:34 +0100 binary update 529 2022-03-06 11:52:23 +0100 Multiplex: support for 2 signals 528 2022-03-06 09:16:20 +0100 Multiplex: ISR for refresh 527 2022-03-06 08:54:05 +0100 IO: trace in case multiplex is not possible 526 2022-03-06 08:23:04 +0100 WIO: fix for signal type selection 525 2022-03-04 15:01:24 +0100 LED: removed dirF function 524 2022-03-04 10:57:54 +0100 revert car NeoPixel 523 2022-03-03 09:19:31 +0100 binary update 522 2022-03-03 07:41:35 +0100 DCC fast PT as option, default disabled 521 2022-03-02 17:42:24 +0100 remove gerber 520 2022-03-02 11:11:19 +0100 coach option for head and rear lights with NeoPixel 519 2022-02-27 10:22:30 +0100 Pins for ESP32-OLED 518 2022-02-26 19:10:26 +0100 binary update 517 2022-02-26 18:58:31 +0100 dev module: use 34 for rotary switch 516 2022-02-25 09:03:21 +0100 optional Hall count per second for calculating kmh 515 2022-02-24 15:37:52 +0100 hall option 514 2022-02-23 15:13:18 +0100 throttle fix 513 2022-02-23 10:17:26 +0100 battery 4S added 512 2022-02-23 08:50:51 +0100 binary update 511 2022-02-23 08:17:38 +0100 fix for option 2S 510 2022-02-22 13:08:29 +0100 fix for saving options 509 2022-02-22 10:45:06 +0100 save output state at power off 508 2022-02-22 08:47:39 +0100 binary update 507 2022-02-22 07:59:01 +0100 binary update 506 2022-02-22 07:52:02 +0100 fix for save output state incase of type IO16 505 2022-02-21 18:58:25 +0100 corrected partlist WIO-03 504 2022-02-21 17:58:41 +0100 partlist wio 3 503 2022-02-21 17:30:04 +0100 R5, R6 correction 502 2022-02-21 17:13:32 +0100 wio-03 partlist 501 2022-02-21 16:26:47 +0100 deepsleep fix 500 2022-02-21 14:05:44 +0100 io16 battery support 499 2022-02-19 14:28:49 +0100 Monitor: fix for html download (missing prefix /) 498 2022-02-19 13:22:03 +0100 Monitor: added missin prefix / at delete file 497 2022-02-18 18:07:49 +0100 fix for selecting 3w/4w stepper 496 2022-02-17 08:47:48 +0100 FileUtils: scan IOScript file for mapping 495 2022-02-16 11:51:50 +0100 r2rnet server dummy 494 2022-02-15 13:33:18 +0100 binary update 493 2022-02-13 08:15:58 +0100 LED: removed VSC workaround 492 2022-02-12 10:48:11 +0100 LED: use round function for RGB+Brightness 491 2022-02-11 21:39:46 +0100 work around for VSC 490 2022-02-08 14:28:20 +0100 options format changed for parsing in the WIO dialog 489 2022-02-06 12:04:27 +0100 use autoserver in case serverip is set to 'auto' 488 2022-02-06 11:30:58 +0100 binary update 487 2022-02-06 09:55:32 +0100 Monitor: format corrections 486 2022-02-05 08:54:58 +0100 Monitor: fix for tracing i2c type 485 2022-02-04 22:13:49 +0100 changed scan result traces for catching in the WIO dialog 484 2022-02-04 11:27:54 +0100 memory leak fix for finding script file 483 2022-02-03 08:58:33 +0100 Monitor: removed brackets surround the node name 482 2022-02-02 14:41:51 +0100 binary update 481 2022-02-02 13:03:10 +0100 autoserver setting added 480 2022-02-02 10:46:47 +0100 servo signal support 479 2022-02-01 11:10:22 +0100 CAM: wait for WiFi connection before handling WEBService 478 2022-02-01 10:21:11 +0100 CAM: workaround for WEBService 477 2022-01-31 15:19:38 +0100 reploaced SPIFFS with LittleFS as recommended by Espressif 476 2022-01-30 12:02:28 +0100 Pins: correction for WIO-03 475 2022-01-30 10:58:46 +0100 binary update 474 2022-01-29 14:06:17 +0100 IOScript: Servo type added